Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tasman 2014

We arrived at Wisteria Cottage in Wakefield on March 1.  We grew to love this spot.  The fantails, tuis, grey warblers, and blackbirds love all the flowers, trees, and flying insects that adorn this lovely yard.  We also share the surroundings with hundreds of sheep and about 24 chickens.

Wisteria Cottage
Cottage and garden 
Wisteria Cottage 
Hill and paddock behind Wisteria Cottage
Old farm beside our cottage
Chickens waiting for B to bring the compost
Sheep beside our cottage
Kingfisher stuck in the gate before G helped him escape

This is the spot where the Riwaka River comes above ground.  It is a lovely spot sacred to the Maori people.  Cavers dive in here to explore the river and its many underground channels.
Care for an underwater cave trip? - Riwaka Resurgence

We took a few trips to Nelson Lakes National Park - just 45 minutes drive from Wakefield.  One trip, we got up very early to drive there to hear the bellbird and tui dawn chorus.  The movie at the beginning of Tasman 2 is a small example of what we heard.
Lake Rotoiti pier 7 AM Nelson Lakes NP
Lake Rotoiti - Nelson Lakes National Park

Wakefield has a small park called Faulkner Reserve with several trails that are great for exercising.  The towns  people have done a nice job making the trails, and putting benches, a playground and picnic area and a wonderful lookout on top of the hill. 
Clever bench in Faulkner Reserve
View of Wakefield and the sea from Faulkner Reserve
One of our favorite things to do while staying in Wakefield is to drive to Mapua to rent bikes and take the short ferry ride to Rabbit Island where there are trails there and beyond. 

Bikes stowed for ferry trip to Rabbit Island
Riding the ferry to Rabbit Island from Mapua 
Picnic lunch on Rabbit Island
View of Nelson in the distance from the island
Great bike path from Rabbit Island to the vineyards
Waiting for the ferry back to Mapua
Nelson is a sister city to another city in Japan.  They built this garden to honor that partnership.

Japanese garden in Nelson
The Nelson Market every Saturday has a great atmosphere.  You can buy lots of fresh produce, lots of crafts, cheese, bread, relishes, honey, hand-made clothes, etc.  You can eat at food stalls that offer Mexican, Crepes, Chinese and a variety of other foods.  We love buying Chinese vegetables from one vender.

Another example of New Zealand humor

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